There are 7 Aleph-Tavs in this week's Torah portion

NOTE: All of the yous and yours underlined as "you" and "your" indicates that the you and the your are plural. Also any of the words that are in bold pink lettering as "you" refers to the feminine gender, but it is only applied when it does not commonly refer to a woman. This only is applied to this week's Torah portion text at this time.


Deuteronomy 32:1-52

Deu 32:1 The Heavens, give the ear, and I will speak;
and the Earth, you shall hear the Sayings of My Mouth.

2 My Doctrine shall drip as the mater-rain,
My Sayings shall distill (trickle) as the dew,

as the drizzling rains (hairyish rains) upon the sprouts (tender grass),
and as the showers (myriads) upon the herbs (grass):

3 for I will call out (proclaim) the Name of יהוה:
will ascribe (bring) greatness to our Elohim.

4 The Cliff Rock, His Work is perfect:
for all of His Ways are just:

Is an El of Truth and without unrighteousness (evil),
He is righteous and upright.

5 Has corrupted (wasted, ruined) to Himself?,
No! His sons are their blemish:

Are a crooked (distorted) and twisted (tortuous) generation,

6 Do you requite this to יהוה?
A foolish (stupid) and a non-wise People?,

Is that not He, your Father, had bought (purchased) you?
He did (made) you and established (erected?) you!

7 Remember the days of ages,
understand (consider) the years of generation and the generation:

ask your father, and shall declare (tell) you;
your Elders, and they shall say to you.

8 The Most High is among the distribution (inheritance) of the nations,
among (in) His dividing the sons of Adam,

stations (having stand) the boundaries of peoples
to the enrollment (scroll, number) of the Sons of Israel.

9 For the Portion of יהוה is His People;
the measuring line (measuring rope) of Jacob is His Inheritance.

10 Had found him in a wilderness land,
and in the emptiness of a howling area;

had surrounded (encircled) him and instructed him,
they enbranched (kept) him as the Pupil (Little Man) of His Eye.

11 As an eagle stirring (awakening) his nest,
hovering (fluttering) over (upon) his nestling,

spreads out His Wings, takes him,
bears (carries, lifts up) him upon His Feathers:

12 יהוה alone guides (leads) him,
and a foreign el is not with him

13 Has Him ride upon the high areas of the Earth,
and eats the produce of the fields;

and has him suck honey (thickness) from the lofty rock,
and oil from the flinty cliff rock;

14 curds (cheese, butter) of herds,
and khalav-milk of flocks,

with kheylev-fat of battering rams,
and rams of the sons of Bashan,
and he-goats (matured goats, full grown goats),

with the kheylev-fat of the kidneys of wheat;
and of the blood of the grapes,
you shall imbibe (drink) fermented wine.

15 And Jeshurun grew oily fat (shiny fat, waxed fat), and was trampling (kicking, despising):
you grew oily fat (shiny fat, waxed fat), thick (dense), plump;

and smit (forsook, pounded) Elohah had did (made) him,
and disgraced the Rock of his Salvation,

16 made Him jealous among sojourners (strangers),
provoked Him among abominations.

17 They sacrificed to goat-demons, not Elohah;
elohim they had not known,

new ones drawing near, came,
your fathers were not shivering.

18 You were unmindful of the Cliff Rock birthing you,
and you have forgotten El shaping you.

19 And יהוה saw, and was scorned (despised)
was provoked of His Sons and of His Daughters.

20 And said, I will hide My Face from them,
I will see what their latter days shall be:

for they are a changing (tumbling, froward, fraud) generation,
are sons having no faith (faithfulness) in them.

21 They have made Me jealous against a non-el;
they have made Me provocative (indignant) in their vanities:

and I, I will make them jealous among (in) a non-people;
I will make them provocative (indignant) among (in) a disgraceful (stupid, foolish) nation,

22 for a fire is inflamed in My Anger,
and she shall hearth burn (continuously burn) unto the lowest of Sheol,

and she shall consume the Earth and her produce,
and she shall scorch (make ablaze, lick) the foundations of the mountains.

23 I will add (augment, accumulate) evils upon them;
I will consume My arrows on them,

24 exhausted (sucked out) of hunger (famine),
and fed (overcome, warred out) of burning heat (burning coals),
and bitter ruin:

And I will send the teeth of animals on them,
with the heatish venom of crawling things (worms) of the dust,

25 the sword, she shall bereave (abort?) from without,
and fright (horror?) from within (inclosure, innermost),

also the chosen select (tried) male,
also the virgin,

the suckling,
with the man of old age (gray hairs).

26 I said, I will puff them [(scatter them to corners)],
I would make her cease (desist) from the mortal men their memory (remembrance):

27 unless I sojourn aside (turn aside) the provocation of the enemy,
facing (lest), their distressors (crampers) should scrutinize (disregard, ?be foreignized?),

facing (lest) they shall say, Our hand is arisen (high),
and not יהוה has performed (made) all of this,

28 for they are a nation void (wandered away, lost) of counsel,
and have no understanding in them.

29 Unless (To Him?, Would that?) they are wise, they would consider (be prudent of, be skillful of) this,
they would understand to their latter days.

30 How should one pursue (chase) a thousand,
and two shall, they shall flee ten thousand,

if not for their Cliff Rock sold them,
and יהוה delivered them up (shut them up)?

31 For their cliff rock is not like our Cliff Rock,
and our enemies magistrates (intreators, interceders, supplicators),

32 for their vine is from the vine of Sodom,
and from the fields of Gomorrah:

their grapes are grapes of gall (hemlock),
for them are clusters of bitters:

33 The heatish venom of monsters (dragons, sea monsters, sea dragons) are their wine,
and cruel asps are their gall (hemlock, poison).

34 That he is not stored up (laid in store) with Me?
sealed up (closed up) among My Treasures (Depositories)?

35 Vengeance and recompence (restitution) belongs to Me;
by the time their foot, she shall slip (waver, shake, slide):

for the day of their calamity (misfortune, raking) is near,
and the future (preparation) shall be hurried (hastened).

36 For יהוה shall judge His People,
and shall have compassion (comfort) unto His Servants,

for shall see when the power-hand has went away (disappeared),
and the detained and the forsaken shall remain (held back, withheld, inclosed)
[(and has ceased the inclosed (detained) and the forsaken)],

37 and shall say, Where are their Elohim,
the Cliff Rock in Him they have made refuge,

38 of which the kheylev-fat of their Sacrifices they ate,
and imbibed (drank) the wine of their Drink Offerings (Libation Offerings)?

They shall arise and shall help you,
and shall be a hiding place upon you.

39 See now, for I, I am He,
and is no elohim with Me:

I, I will make die, and I will make alive;
I will wound (strike, pierce), and I, I will heal:
and no one (is none) from My Hand shall deliver.

40 For I will lift up My Hand to the Heavens,
and I will say, I live for ages.

41 If I sharpen (whet, point) My Flashing (Lightning) Sword,
and My Hand, She siezes (takes hold) on Judgment (Ordinance);

I will return (render) vengeance to My distressors (vexers, opponents),
and I will repay to My haters.

42 I will make My Arrows drunk (tipsy) with blood,
and My Sword, she shall devour (eat, consume) flesh;

from the blood of the slain and the captives,
from the head of the hairs (locks) of the enemy.

43 Shout aloud (rejoice), nations of His People!

For will avenge the blood of His Servants,
and will return (render) vengeance to His distressors (vexers, opponents),
and will atone His Ground, His People.

44 And Moses came and spoke את-all of the Words of this Song in the ears of the People, he, and Hoshea, son of Nun.

45 And Moses finished to speak את-all of these Words to all of Israel: 46 And said to them, Set your hearts to all of the Words which I am testifying (witnessing) [(with testifying (with witnessing))] against you today, which you will command את-your sons to guard (keep, observe, take heed) to do את-all of the Words of this Teaching (Torah). 47 For he is not an empty Word with you; for he is your Life: and in this Word, you shall lengthen (prolong) days upon the Ground which you are going over את-the Jordan there to possess (occupy) her.

48 And יהוה spoke to Moses in this same day, to say, 49 Ascend to this Mount Abarim, Mount Nebo, which is in the land of Moab, which is upon the facing of Jericho; and see את-the land of Canaan which I am giving to the Sons of Israel for a seizing (holding): 50 and shall die on the mountain which you are ascending there, and shall be gathered to your People; as the which Aaron, your brother, died in Hor of the Mount [(Mount of the Hor, Mount Hor)], and was gathered to his People: 51 upon which you transgressed against Me in the midst of the Sons of Israel in the waters of Meribath, at Kadesh, from the Wilderness of Zin; upon which you did not sanctify Me in the midst of the Sons of Israel. 52 For you shall see from opposite [(from the front of)] of את-the land; and there you shall not go to the land which I am giving to the Sons of Israel.

(NOTE: Not all verses will have comments)

This is the Song that יהוה told to Moses to write, which is noted in the Torah portion of Vay-Yeyleykh, in the book of Deuteronomy

Deuteronomy 31:19 And now write for yourselves את-this Song, and have her leaned at את-the Sons of Israel: put her in their mouths, by that, this Song, she shall be to Me for a Witness (Testimony) against the Sons of Israel, 20 for I shall bring them to the Ground which I swore to their fathers flowing with fatness (milk) and thickness (honey) [(fatness and thickness, milk and honey)]; and shall eat, and shall be satisfied, and shall be waxing fat; and shall face to other elohim and shall serve them, and shall despise (scorn) Me, and will violate את-My Covenant, 21 and shall be, when she has found of him many evils and troubles (distresses), and shall eye-testify this Song to his face for a Witness (Testimony); for she shall not be forgotten from the mouth of his seed: for I know את-his imagination (purpose) which he is doing today in interruption at my bringing them to the land which I have sworn. 22 And Moses wrote את-this Song in that day, and had her learned to את-the Sons of Israel, 23 and commanded את-Joshua, son of Nun, and said, Be strong (strengthened) and courageous (encouraged, be encouraged): for you, you shall bring את-the Sons of Israel to the land which I have swore to them: and I, I will be with you.

24 And was, as Moses had finished to write the Words of this Teaching (Torah) upon a Scroll until their completion (conclusion). 25 And Moses commanded את-the Levites bearing (lifting up, carry) the Ark of the Covenant of יהוה, to say, 26 Take את the Scroll of this Teaching (Torah), and you shall put him at with the side of the Ark of the Covenant of יהוה, your Elohim, and shall be there for a Witness (Testimony) against you, 27 for I, I know את-your rebellion and את-the stiffness of your neck: behold, in my being still alive with you today, you have been rebellious with יהוה; and moreover (even, also) for after my death??! 28 Assemble to me all of את-the Elders of your Tribes, and your Officers, and I will speak את these Words in their ears, and I will make witness (testify) את-the Heavens and את-the Earth against them, 29 for I know that after my death, for corrupting, you will corrupt yourselves, and you will turn from the Way which I have commanded you; and you will encounter (meet) the evil in the latter days; for you will do את-the evilness in the Eyes of יהוה, to provoke Him in the doing (work of your hands. 30 And Moses spoke in the ears of all of the Assembly of Israel את-the Words of this Song until their completion (conclusion).

Normally, if one's life is ending, they would like to give a final advice and positive things to say to the people. Not so with Moses, for יהוה made him say judgments against them before his death, and wrote this Song out, and spoke with the testimony of the heavens and the earth against them.

Verse one

1 The Heavens, give the ear, and I will speak;
and the Earth, you shall hear the Sayings of My Mouth.

Moses is saying this, because he knew that the first things that were created was the heavens and the earth, which is noted in the Torah portion of B'reyshith, in the book of Genesis

Genesis 1:1 In the first (beginning), Elohim created את the Heavens and את-the Earth.

We also learn that the heavens and the earth have certain parts of a body. The one Moses mentioned is that they have ears as mentioned in verse one of this week's Torah portion passage. There are other sources that mention parts of bodies, roles and other things in the heavens and on the earth:



Exodus 10:15 And covered את-the eye of all of the Earth, and the land, she became dark; And ate את-every plant of the land, and את all of the fruit of the trees which the hail had left (remained, were remnant): and not remained (left) any green on the trees, and on the plants of the field, in all of the land of Egypt.

Numbers 22:5 And sent messengers to Balaam, son of Beor, at Pethor, which is upon the river of the land of the sons of his people, to call for him, to say, Behold, a People has come out from Egypt: behold, has covered (concealed) את-the eye of the Earth, and he dwells from the front [(from before, from opposite)] of me:

Numbers 22:11 Behold, the People that came out from Egypt, and covers את-the eye of the Earth: Now come, verbally stab him [(scoop him out)] for me; perhaps I shall be able to overcome (prevail, war) against him, and I will drive (expel) him out.


Deuteronomy 32:1 The Heavens, give the ear, and I will speak; and the Earth, you shall hear the Sayings of My Mouth.


Genesis 1:29 And Elohim said, Behold, I have given to you את-every herb seeding seed which is upon the face of all of the Earth, and את-every tree which in him is the fruit of the tree seeding seed, to you shall be for food.

Genesis 6:7 And hwhy said, I will wipe out את-the Adam whom I have created from upon the face of the Ground; from Adam, unto animal, unto the creeping thing, and unto the fowls (birds) of the Heavens; for I repent (sigh) for making them.

Genesis 7:4 for by still seven days, I will bring rain upon the Earth forty days and forty nights; and I will wipe away (abolish) את-every substance that I have made from upon the face of the Ground.

Genesis 11:4 And they said, Come, we will build for us a city and a tower (great thing), and his head shall be in the Heavens; and make for ourselves a name, lest we become spread out (migrated, scattered) upon the face of all of the Earth.

Genesis 11:8 And יהוה spread out (migrated, scattered) them from there upon the face of all of the Earth: and they made idle (ceased) to build the city.

Genesis 11:9 Upon thus was called her name Babel; for there יהוה confound (mingled, mixed) the lips of all of the Earth: and from there did יהוה spread them out [(migrated them, scattered them)] upon the face of all of the Earth.

Genesis 41:56 And the famine was upon all of the face of the Earth: And Joseph opened את-all that was in them, and shever-sold to the Egyptians; and the famine was strong in the land of Egypt.

Exodus 32:12 To why Egypt, they should speak, to say, In evilness they were brought out to kill them in the mountains, and to consume them from upon (over) the face of the Ground? Return from the glowness (fierceness, fury, wrath) of Your Anger, and repent upon (over) the evil to Your People.

Exodus 33:16 And in what shall be known here that I, I and Your People have found grace (favor) in Your Eyes that is not in Your going with us, and we are distinguished (set apart), I and Your People, from all of the people who are upon the face of the Ground?

Numbers 12:3 And the man, Moses, was much (very) meek (lowly, humble) than all of the Adam which were upon (over) the face of the Ground.

Deuteronomy 6:15 for יהוה, your Elohim, is a Jealous El [(El Jealous)] in your nearness, lest the Anger of יהוה, your Elohim, shall glow against you, and shall destroy you from upon the face of the Ground.

Deuteronomy 7:6 For you are a Sacred (Holy) People to יהוה, your Elohim: יהוה, your Elohim, has chosen among you to be to Him for a People, a Special Treasure, from all of the peoples which are upon the face of the Ground,


Genesis 4:11 And now, cursed are you from the Ground which hath opened את-her mouth to receive את-the blood of your brother from your hand.

Exodus 15:12 You stretched out (stretched forth) Your Right Hand, the Earth, she swallowed them.

Numbers 16:30 And if creating, shall יהוה create, and the Ground shall rend (utter, gape) את-her mouth, and shall swallow (devour) them, and את-all which belongs to them, and they will descend (go down) alive to Sheol; and you shall know that these men have despised (provoked, scorned) את-יהוה

Numbers 16:32 And the Earth, she opened (uttered) את-her mouth, and she swallowed (devoured) them up, and את-their houses (households), and את all of the Adam which were for [(were to, belonged to)] Korah, and את all of their goods (property, substance).

Numbers 16:33 And they descended (went down), they and all which belonged to them, alive to Sheol, and the Earth, she covered (concealed, closed up) over (upon) them: and they perished from the midst of the Assembly.

Numbers 16:34 And all of Israel which were all around them, they fled by their cry: for they said, Lest the Earth, she swallows (devours) us!

Numbers 26:10 And the Earth, she opened את-her mouth, and she swallowed (devoured) them and את-Korah was among the death of the congregation, in the consuming the fire את fifty and two hundred men: and they became for a Banner (Standard, Flag).


Genesis 4:12 When you till את-the Ground, she shall not again give her strength to you; you shall be a fugitive and a vagabond on the Earth.

Exodus 19:18 And Mount Sinai was smoking, all of him, from the facing which יהוה descended (came down) upon (over) him in the Fire: and His Smoke ascended like the smoke of the smelting furnace, and all of the Mountain shuddered (quaked, trembled) much.

Leviticus 26:19 And I will shever-break (burst) את-the pride of your boldness (strength, might); and I will give את-your Heavens as the iron, and את-your Earth as the copper:

Deuteronomy 28:23 And your Heavens which are over (upon) your head shall be copper, and the Earth which is under you shall be iron.

Psalms 68:8 The Earth shook, the heavens also dropped at the presence of Elohim: even Sinai itself was moved at the presence of Elohim, the Elohim of Israel.


Exodus 15:8 And in the spirit (blast, wind burst) of Your Nostrils, the waters, they piled up,
the flowing waters, they stood like him of waves (mounds, heaps),
and the depths (distillings, drippings, flowings, tricklings), they were congealed in the heart of the sea.

Matthew 12:40 For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the Earth.



Genesis 7:11 In the six hundredth year, in the year of Noah's life, in the second renewed month of the seven ten (seventeen) day of the renewed month, on this day, all of the eye-fountains of the great deep had burst, and the windows of the Heavens were opened,

Genesis 8:2 And the eye-fountains of the deep and the windows of the Heavens had stopped (surrendered), and the gushing rain from the Heavens was restrained;

Deuteronomy 11:17 And the Anger of יהוה shall glow against you, and shall shut up (hold back, isolate) את-the Heavens, and shall not be mater-rain, and the Ground shall not give את-her produce; and you shall perish hastily from upon the Good Land which יהוה is giving to you.

For those who say that they don't do windows, יהוה does :) .



Deuteronomy 4:26 I make witness (testify) את-the Heavens and את-the Earth against you today, for perishing, you shall perish hastily from upon the land which you are going over את-the Jordan to there to possess her; you shall not lengthen days upon her, for destroying, you shall be destroyed.

Deuteronomy 30:19 I make witness (testify) today את-the Heavens and את-the Earth against you, I have given to your face the life and the death, the blessing and the despisement (cursing): and you shall choose in the life, by that, you may live, you and your seed:

Deuteronomy 31:28 Assemble to me all of את-the Elders of your Tribes, and your Officers, and I will speak את these Words in their ears, and I will make witness (testify) את-the Heavens and את-the Earth against them,


Genesis 4:12 When you till את-the ground, she shall not again give her strength to you; you shall be a fugitive and a vagabond on the Earth.

Genesis 7:11 In the six hundredth year, in the year of Noah's life, in the second renewed month of the seven ten (seventeen, seventeenth) day of the renewed month, on this day, all of the eye-fountains of the great deep had burst, and the windows of the Heavens were opened,
Genesis 7:12 and the gushing was upon the Earth forty days and forty nights.

Genesis 8:2 And the eye-fountains of the deep and the windows of the Heavens had stopped (surrendered), and the gushing from the Heavens was restrained;

Leviticus 26:19 And I will break את-the pride of your might; and I will put את-your heavens as the iron, and את-your earth as the copper:

Deuteronomy 28:23 And your Heavens which are over (upon) your head shall be copper, and the Earth which is under you shall be iron.

Deuteronomy 28:24 And יהוה shall give את-the rain of your land powder and dust: shall descend upon you from the Heavens until you are destroyed (desolated).



Genesis 1:11 And Elohim said, The Earth, she will sprout sprouts, the herb shall seed seed, and fruit trees shall make fruit to his kind which his seed is in him upon the Earth, and became so.

Genesis 1:12 And the Earth, she brought out sprouts, the herb seeded seed to his kind, and trees made fruit which his seed is in him to his kind. And Elohim saw for goodness.

Genesis 1:24 And Elohim said, The Earth, she shall bring out a living soul to her kind, of animals and the creepers, and his animals of the Earth shall be to her kind. And became so.

Genesis 2:6 And a mist (vapor) ascended from the Earth, and soaked (watered) את-all of the face of the Ground.

Deuteronomy 33:28 And Israel shall dwell (tabernacle) in safety alone: the eye-fountain of Jacob shall be to a land of grain and grape juice (new wine); also His Heavens, they shall drop down dew.


Genesis 2:4 These are the births of the Heavens and the Earth, in their creation, in the day of יהוה Elohim made Earth and Heavens.

The Heavens and the Earth were the founding ancestors of everything created in them.

There are other examples in the rest of the Tanakh. You can search it out and see a lot more sources referring to the heavens and the earth.

The only part that the earth does not have is the nose, because יהוה is "The Breath of Life"

Genesis 2:7 And יהוה Elohim formed (fashioned, molded) את-the Adam of dust from the Ground, and blew (puffed, inflate) in his nostrils the Breath (Blast) of Life, and became the Adam of a living soul.

Job 27:3 All of the while my breath is in me, and the Spirit of Elohah is in my nostrils;

Lamentations 4:20 The Breath of our nostrils, the anointed of יהוה, was taken in their pits, of whom we said, Under His Shadow we shall live among the heathen.

יהוה used His Nostrils for other purposes:

Clearing a path at the Sea of Reeds

Exodus 15:8 And in the spirit (blast, wind burst) of Your Nostrils, the waters, they piled up,
the flowing waters, they stood like him of waves (mounds, heaps),
and the depths (distillings, drippings, flowings, tricklings), they were congealed in the heart of the sea.

2 Samuel 22:16 And the channels of the sea appeared, the foundations of the world were discovered, at the rebuking of יהוה, at the blast of the Breath of His Nostrils.

Acts of anger through smoke

2 Samuel 22:8 Then the Earth shook and trembled; the foundations of heaven moved and shook, because He was wroth. 9 There went up a Smoke out of His Nostrils, and Fire out of His Mouth devoured: coals were kindled by it.

Job 41:20 Out of His Nostrils goeth Smoke, as out of a seething pot or caldron.

Psalm 18:8 There went up a Smoke out of His Nostrils, and fire out of His Mouth devoured: coals were kindled by it.

Psalm 18:15 Then the channels of waters were seen, and the foundations of the world were discovered at Thy rebuke, יהוה, at the blast of the Breath of Thy Nostrils

Verses five and six

5 ...Are a crooked (distorted) and twisted (tortuous) generation,

6 Do you repay this to יהוה?
A foolish and a non-wise People?,

Is that not He, your Father, had bought you?
He did (made) you and established you!

Yeshua used a similar phrase, which is noted in the Gospel of Matthew

Matthew 16:1 The Pharisees also with the Sadducees came, and tempting desired Him that He would shew them a Sign from the heavens. 2 He answered and said unto them, When it is evening, ye say, It will be fair weather: for the sky is red. 3 And in the morning, It will be foul weather to day: for the sky is red and lowring. O ye hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky; but can ye not discern the Signs of the Times? 4 A wicked and adulterous generation seeketh after a Sign; and there shall no Sign be given unto it, but the Sign of the prophet Jonas. And He left them, and departed.

Verse six of this week's Torah portion passage is the earliest account where יהוה is called our "Father" and not in the Brith Khadashah (the New Covenant).

It is not shown in the English text, but in the Hebrew text, the beginning of the Hebrew verse contains a large Hebrew letter Heh shown in the red square

Monte Judah of Lion and Lamb Ministries noted the large Heh in his July 2004 edition titled "The Jots and Tittles of Moses" in his "Yavoh" magazine:

"The letter Hey means to bring forth or that which is revealed. It is used to illustrate the concept of glory. The first small letter was a hey in Gen 2:4. The final tittle is an enlarged hey. It comes from a passage known as the second song of Moses. Revelation 15:3 says that the tribulation saints will sing two songs: the song of the Lamb and the song of Moses. Obviously, when this song of Moses is sung, God's glory will be made manifest to mankind. It is fitting that Moses began with Bet (God building His house) and concludes with Hey (God manifesting His glory)".

The Hebrew letter, Heh, in the Paleo-Hebrew is a picture of a man which is defined as a revelation. In my opinion, this יהוה's Glory manifested to mankind of this enlarged Heh is Yeshua.

Verses nine and ten

9 For the Portion of יהוה is His People;
the measuring line (measuring rope) of Jacob is His Inheritance.

10 Had found him in a wilderness land,
and in the emptiness of a howling area;

had surrounded (encircled) him and instructed him,
they enbranched (kept) him as the Pupil (Little Man) of His Eye.

The phrase, "the Pupil of His Eye", or commonly translated as "the apple of his eye", which are noted by kings and prophets as exampled in the books of the Psalms, the Proverbs, the prophet Jeremiah, and the prophet Zechariah

Psalm 17:8 Keep me as the apple of the daughter's eye, hide me under the shadow of Thy Wings,

Proverb 7:2 Keep My Commandments, and live; and My Torah as the apple of Thine Eye.

Lamentations 2:18 Their heart cried unto Adonai, O wall of the daughter of Zion, let tears run down like a river day and night: give thyself no rest; let not the apple of thine eye cease.

Zechariah 2:8 For thus saith יהוה of Armies (Hosts); After the glory hath He sent me unto the nations which spoiled you: for He that toucheth you toucheth the apple of His Eye.

We as believers in Yeshua the Messiah are also the apple of His Eye, but Israel is still His Apple. Good thing יהוה has "two" eyes :) .

Verse eleven

This is what how the King James Version translates this verse

11 As an eagle stirreth up her nest, fluttereth over her young, spreadeth abroad her wings, taketh them, beareth them on her wings:

This verse in the King James Version shows the eagle as female, but this is what the verse in the Hebrew text reveals

Looking at certain Hebrew words relating to the eagle, we find the ending pronouns marked in the red squares

In the Hebrew grammar, the ending female prounoun ends with the letter "Heh". As I mentioned in last week's Torah portion of Vay-Yeyleykh, in the book of Deuteronomy, the relevence pronoun that this Song Moses wrote is female. However, the pronoun in this week's Torah portion passage is the letter "Vav", meaning that the gender is "male". Hence the eagle is a male as I translated below.

11 As an eagle stirring (awakening) his nest,
hovering (fluttering) over (upon) his nestling,

spreads out His Wings, takes him,
bears (carries, lifts up) him upon His Feathers:

This is a type and shadow of Yeshua, and He used this type of analogy in speaking to Jerusalem with a different translation. One of the examples is noted in the Gospel of Matthew

Matthew 23:37 Jerusalem, Jerusalem, who killed the prophets, and stoned the ones sent out to you, how often I desired to gather your sons, who in like manner as a bird gathering his nestlings under the wings, but you would not!

Verse thirty

30 How should one pursue (chase) a thousand,
and two shall flee ten thousand,

if not that their Cliff Rock sold them,
and hwhy delivered them up (shut them up)?

King David used this week's Torah portion passage, which is noted in the book of the psalms

Psalm 91:7 A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee.

Verse forty four

44 And Moses came and spoke את-all of the Words of this Song in the ears of the People, he, and Hoshea, son of Nun.

Why was Joshua's called "Hoshea" in speaking the words of this Song to them? It was like Moses was saying to Joshua that he was not his adopted son. Was Moses putting Joshua, through the calling of his physical name instead of his spiritual name to identify with the judgment of the Israelites? If this is so, it could be in a way a type and shadow of Yeshua identifying with the world when He was crucified on the cross by taking on their judgments on Himself.

Verses forty eight through fifty two

48 And יהוה spoke to Moses in this same day, to say, 49 Ascend to this Mount Abarim, Mount Nebo, which is in the land of Moab, which is upon the facing of Jericho; and see את-the land of Canaan which I am giving to the Sons of Israel for a seizing (holding): 50 and shall die in the mountain which you are ascending there, and shall be gathered (added) to your People; as the which Aaron, your brother, died in Hor of the Mount [(Mount of the Hor, Mount Hor)], and was gathered (added) to his People: 51 upon which you transgressed against Me in the midst of the Sons of Israel in the waters of Meribath, at Kadesh, from the Wilderness of Zin; upon which you did not sanctify Me in the midst of the Sons of Israel. 52 For you shall see from opposite (the front of) of את-the land; and there you shall not go to the land which I am giving to the Sons of Israel.

Notice that Moses could have just easily go over if he did it in his own strength. Isn't that like us as believers today, since we have the transportation means to go somewhere when we want to go anywhere in our strength? We cannot, because יהוה is in control of our circumstances and witholding us from going.

Examples from some of the verses of this Song of this week's Torah portion could be types and shadows of Yeshua our Messiah.


Looking at the time line from Deuteronomy chapter one to this chapter and the last two chapters of Deuteronomy with the sources from Joshua mentioned in last week's Torah portion of Vay'Yeyleykh, in the book of Deuteronomy, Moses died in the fortieth year, on the seventh day of the twelfth month. Moses began speaking in chapter one of the book of Deuteronomy in the same year in the eleventh month on the first day of the month. This means that Moses was giving his final speeches to the Israelites for one month and seven days, thirty seven days, before he died on Mount Pisgah.

To be continued in the Torah portion of V'Zoth Ha-B'rakhah.

That ends this week's Torah portion commentary.

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